How to Store Apples for Winter

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Apples are a staple fruit that can be enjoyed throughout the year, even during the winter months. In order to store them long-term and preserve their freshness, it is important to follow certain steps. First, one must select apples that have a longer shelf life, such as late-ripening varieties like Red Delicious and Winesap. After inspecting the apples for any bruises or damage, they should be sorted by size and variety. Wrapping each apple in newspaper before placing them in boxes or baskets can help protect them from spoilage. The ideal storage temperature is around 30-32°F with 90 percent humidity, although storing them in the refrigerator is also an option. Regularly checking for signs of spoilage and removing any rotten apples will ensure the longevity of the stored apples. By following these simple guidelines, individuals can enjoy delicious apples throughout the winter season.

How to Store Apples for Winter

Apples are a versatile and delicious fruit that can be enjoyed year-round. However, during the winter months, it can be challenging to find fresh, high-quality apples. That’s why it’s important to learn how to store apples properly so that you can enjoy them throughout the winter season. This comprehensive guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to store apples for winter, ensuring that they stay fresh and flavorful for months to come.

How to Store Apples for Winter

Where To Buy Apples For Winter

Start with apples that keep well

To ensure that your stored apples last as long as possible, it’s essential to start with varieties that have a long storage life. Late-ripening varieties, such as Red Delicious, Ida Red, Winesap, Crispin, Stayman, Rome, Northern Spy, and Turley, tend to store well and can last for several months. It’s crucial to choose the right apple varieties for storage to maximize their longevity.

Inspect and sort the apples

Before storing your apples, it’s important to inspect each one carefully. Look for any bruising, cuts, bug damage, or soft spots. Only apples in perfect condition are suitable for long-term storage. Any imperfect apples should be used immediately for cooking or consumed fresh.

Once you’ve inspected the apples, it’s time to sort them. Sort the apples by size, separating them into small, medium, and large categories. Large apples don’t store as well as smaller ones, so it’s best to consume them first. Additionally, consider sorting the apples by variety since different varieties ripen at different rates. Storing each variety separately makes it easier to consume the early ripeners first while saving the slower ripeners for later.

How to Store Apples for Winter

Purchase Apples For Storage

Wrap the apples in newspaper

To protect your apples from spoilage and prevent any one rotten apple from affecting the others, it’s recommended to wrap each apple in newspaper. The newspaper acts as a barrier and ensures that even if one apple goes bad, it won’t come into contact with the others. This wrapping method helps extend the shelf life of your stored apples.

Choose a suitable storage location

When it comes to storing apples for the winter, choosing the right location is crucial. Ideally, apples should be stored in a cool, dark place with a temperature between 30-32°F (0-2°C) and a humidity level of around 90%. This kind of environment can be achieved in a cool basement, garage, shed, fruit cellar, or even in a refrigerator. It’s important to avoid temperature fluctuations, as apples can suffer freeze damage below 30°F (0°C) or ripen quickly above 40°F (4°C).

If you have enough space in your refrigerator, it’s the best place to store your apples since you have greater control over temperature and humidity. However, if you don’t have enough refrigerator space, be sure to choose a storage location with stable temperatures and adequate humidity to maximize the longevity of your apples.

How to Store Apples for Winter

Check regularly for signs of spoilage

While apples can last for months in storage, it’s crucial to check them regularly for any signs of spoilage. Regular inspections will allow you to identify any rotten apples before they have a chance to spoil the rest of the stored batch. Remove any spoiled apples immediately to prevent them from affecting the quality of the others.

Pick apples when they are ripe

To ensure the best flavor and longevity in storage, it’s important to pick apples at the right time. Overripe or under-ripe apples will not store well and might not reach their full flavor potential. Apples that have fallen off the tree are generally too ripe for long-term storage and should be consumed fresh.

For optimal storage, harvest apples as soon as they reach their peak ripeness. The sooner you get them into cold storage, the longer they will keep.

Store apples as soon as possible

After picking your apples, it’s important to store them as soon as possible. Delaying storage can result in a shorter shelf life and diminished flavor. As soon as you’ve sorted and wrapped your apples, transfer them to your chosen storage location. The quicker they are stored, the longer they will last in storage.

Avoid storing apples near onions or potatoes

Apples are known to readily absorb odors and flavors from other foods, so it’s crucial to avoid storing them near onions or potatoes. Both onions and potatoes emit natural gases that can cause apples to ripen prematurely or acquire unwanted flavors. To ensure that your stored apples maintain their freshness and flavor, store them separately from these potent-smelling foods.

Know the expected storage life of each variety

Different apple varieties have different storage lives. Some varieties can last for several months, while others may only last a few weeks. It’s important to consult garden catalogs or reference materials to determine the expected storage life of each apple variety you plan to store. Understanding the storage life of each variety will allow you to prioritize and consume the apples with the shortest storage life first, ensuring that none go to waste.

Eat apples with the shortest storage life first

To make the most of your stored apples, it’s essential to consume the varieties with the shortest storage life first. By prioritizing the early ripeners, you can enjoy their flavors before they start to deteriorate. This approach ensures that none of your stored apples go to waste and guarantees that you can savor the fresh taste of apples throughout the winter season.

In conclusion, storing apples for the winter requires careful attention to detail and adherence to proper storage techniques. By starting with apples that keep well, inspecting and sorting them, wrapping each apple in newspaper, choosing a suitable storage location, checking for spoilage regularly, picking apples at the right time, storing them promptly, avoiding proximity to onions and potatoes, understanding the expected storage life of each variety, and consuming the apples with the shortest storage life first, you can enjoy fresh and tasty apples all winter long. Follow these steps, and you’ll have an abundant supply of apples to savor even when they are out of season.

Buy Apples For Winter Storage


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